Through your tithes and gifts, WCC is able to support over 100 missions around the world! One of those missions is called:
My Brother's Keeper. My Brother's Keeper (MBK) is our MISSION SPOTLIGHT this week as we continue our Baby Bottle Campaign. We have sent out 24 baby bottles to fill and they disappeared in a day! If you did not get one and would still like to give, you can label your gift "My Brother's Keeper," or you can give online and select "special offering."
"Our mission is to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ, assist the helpless and equip the younger generation." Our world is constantly changing. Two things never change: the Gospel and human nature. My Brother’s Keep aims to promote and defend the sanctity of human life from the moment of conception, to assist women through unplanned pregnancies, to help families raise healthy children, body and souls and to educate the younger generation to make smart decisions for their lives.
1991: The Berlin Wall and the Iron Curtain fell leaving Central and Eastern Europe in need for help, both materially and spiritually. William Holtry had developed over the years an unusual interest for this part of the world, reading as much about it as he could. So, that December, when he was asked by a group of Baptist pastors to go to Romania on a short mission trip, he eagerly agreed. They arrived in Bihor county in January of 1991, preaching in big city churches but also in remote villages. William Holtry was impressed by the Romanians' willingness to walk four hours just to hear God's Word, by their faith, but also by their poverty. Nonetheless he thought it was his first and last visit to this country. On the long flight back to the States, a question kept nagging him. It was a verse from Genesis 4:9 where Cain asked God: Am I my brother's keeper? For Will Holtry, it became a personal question: Am I my brother's keeper? He had to find an answer. God's answer was as clear as broad daylight: Yes, you are your brother's keeper. What are you going to do about it?
William knew he had to do something, but didn't know when and how. Once home, he was invited to several churches to speak about his trip. God started opening doors and people's hearts and soon a bank account called "My Brother's Keeper" was created. The funds were directed towards the greatest need William saw in Romania: the need for Bibles. MBK bought and distributed over 10000 Bibles over the next 10 years.
MBK is now a legal entity in Romania. It purchased a building in the village of Batar that was called the mission house. MBK distributes bibles and helps build churches. They also work closely with Cighid, a orphanage/hospital for children with mental and physical disabilities.
My Brother's Keeper now has a Crisis Pregnancy Center in the city of Oradea, called
Pulse. The mission at
Pulse Center is to help the women who struggle with unwanted pregnancies to understand the sanctity of human life and keep the baby and to provide hope and healing to women with post abortion trauma. Over 35 women a month are supported in counseling, training, mentoring and material support for the mother and the baby.
MBK has a purity program called Worth Waiting, promoting abstinence in Jesus’ name. They have reached over 5,000 students! Supporting children;’s education, MBK helps children coming from poor and dysfunctional families to pursue higher education. In addition, they hold summer camps! "Summer camps are an opportunity to proclaim the Gospel message. We provide relevant Bible stories, Christian counseling and mentoring for every aspect of their lives. The children reached are between 6 to 14 years old, coming from dysfunctional, poor or non-Christian families to whom we show the love that only Christ can put in us."
Thank you for supporting this wonderful mission. Let's pray for MBK.
Father, thank you for your servants that are living out your Word. We pray for the missionaries in Romania, the volunteers, the leaders, and the suffering. We thank you for each and every man, woman and child that has been touched by MBK and we pray abundance in their mission to serve You by serving others. In Jesus' name, Amen!